Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Little More About Me

Maybe this is cheating, but I joined in on this fad when it came around to me on Facebook and I figured I'd post this on here to help complete the picture that is me.

25 Random Facts About Me:

1. I don't know how to ride a bike or skate in any way. I want to learn and everyone says they want to teach me, but it just never happens.

2. I hate birds. Its a fear and it's real. Mock me if you must.

3. I'd rather be in debt than not get to travel.

4. The misuse of "your" and "you're" and of "there," "they're," and "their" kills a little part of me every time I see it.

5. I've started a list of things that make me happy because my roommate called me out on it every time I said that phrase. (I've started to upload some of it onto this blog)

6. I love to-do lists and lists of all kinds. I can't function without them and yes, I make lists within my to-do lists, just live with it.

7. I was my mom's height when I was in third grade. Freakishly tall child, freakishly short mother.

8. "Gerr" is probably the only nickname I've ever had. Only two people get to use it. (Maybe 3)

9. I fall for people entirely too quickly even though I tell myself I don't. (My mother's shockingly accurate analysis of my love life.)

10. I've always wanted to go to culinary school. I guess if all else fails...

11. I want children but I'm scared that my raising of them will create little (and then adult) monsters. So far I just act like the mom for most of my friends.

12. I'm addicted to checking my email. I do it at least 4 times a day (all 3 accounts)! However I don't understand how people keep hundreds or even thousands of emails in their inbox. The delete button is your friend!

13. I love art and architecture and different kinds of design. Although not very talented in any of them, I appreciate it.

14. I have three older sisters and an older brother. One sister I've never met, she lives in Cuba. (My mom's daughter) The rest I can count the number of times we've been together on one hand. (My dad's "children"- I use that term loosely)

15. The Residence Hall Association at my university has changed my life.Trust me, I know it is corny, but it is the truth.

16. I can't keep a journal. I tell myself that I will but I never follow through. Maybe I'll just start a book of my lists. (Or now, this blog!)

17. I had an afro for many years. No, you can't see the pictures, I'm traumatized enough.

18. I talk to inanimate objects all the time. It could be my TV, the non-existent turning signal in the car in front of me, my food (Elise's fault), or pretty much anything else that is in front of me.

19. I had a "bucket list" before the movie came out. (No surprise if you read #6)

20. My favorite number is six but I prefer even numbers overall. I remember arriving to our hotel room in DC and saying that we had a good room (248 or something like that) because all the numbers in it were even. I know, it's weird.

21. Hazelnut is my favorite creamer. (Hey, the list says "random," right?)

22. I swear I'm allergic to Florida. Miami in specific. Not like a friend of mine who actually has allergies to things native to FL, but just the state of mind and life that exists down here. Someone get me out!

23. I like things around me to be blue, green, white, or a combination of those colors.

24. I finally have health insurance starting tomorrow! After only 4 years of going without! Maybe 3.

25. This is one list I didn't really like making. (This is probably only partly true.)


  1. First of all, congratulations on finding 20 things about yourself. I tried once but it sounded so random that i eventually stopped. Let me comment your 20 pts:
    1. It's always like this. I would like to learn to draw, play guitar and piano and all my friends are like "yeah it's the best idea ever, i can help you" but i still suck at it right now!

    2. I hate spiders, birds, snakes.

    3. I agree with you. I started traveling at the age of 3 and never stoped even if it means having no social life during the year because i was working to earn money to go far away!

    4. i didn't understand ( sorry i'm french )

    5. This is the best idea ever! I should try as well.

    6. I'm a list lover!!! I do list all the time for all and nothing, even list of list to do!

    7. I was always petite like everybody in my family. plus I'm 22 and i look like I'm 16! It's horrible but i keep on telling myself that one day, when everybody will look old, i'll look like i'm 25! no lifting needed ;)

    8. i do not have any nickname. i used to have tartiflette. It's french food but i do not want to keep this one. i still wonder why people used to call me this way.

    9. I never fall in love or get attached to easily. i guess i'm just scared to suffer.

    10. I've always wanted to know how to cook! i'm the worse cook ever.

    11. I don't want children or at least not before a long time and just one child please.

    12. I beat you, I checked my twitter, facebook, email, 8 times a day!

    13. I love art and architecture and different kinds of design as well.

    14. I have a younger sister and an older brother who is not at home anymore.

    15. There's no associations in french universities ! or just a few but not interesting ones.

    16. I keep a journal occasionally.

    17. I looked like mireille mathieu for many years because of my hair cut. it was awful.

    18. I never talk to inanimate objects (weird!) but i speak alone.

    20. My favorite number is 3, 5, 9, 13 and 21.

    22. I would love to see florida!

    23. I like things around me to be neutral: beige, light pink, light yellow, brown ...

    24. I'm born with an health insurance.

    25. This was fun.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Valerie! See? You had 25 things too! I'm not going to lie, I had to look up Mireille Mathieu to see who she was and her hair is... something! :) I'm planning to be in France in about 2 months, so I'd love to keep in touch!

  3. I can't keep a journal either. I start them but never finish anymore.
